The Reconnection Heal Others, Heal Yourself Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:06:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mon, 30 Oct 2023 17:47:27 +0000 Moving Beyond Fear with Reconnective Healing is more than just a transformative approach; it's discovering our resilience through these healing frequencies. While fear, a primal emotion, has historically protected us, the modern world has evolved these fears into paralyzing anxieties. But there's a journey of personal growth waiting, a path that involves overcoming fear, finding inner balance, and truly moving beyond limitations. Through the power of reconnection, Reconnective Healing offers a harmonious state where mind, body, and spirit resonate together, guiding us towards a fearless future.

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The Power of Moving Beyond Fear with Reconnective Healing

The Role of Reconnective Healing in Releasing Our Fears

A black and white photo of a person looking hesitant or apprehensive, standing at the edge of a cliff or precipice, representing the boundary created by fear.

Fear’s Hold on Our Lives

Moving Beyond Fear with Reconnective Healing® unveils a transformative approach. While fear is hardwired for our survival, today’s complexities turn many into paralyzing anxieties. This journey towards personal growth offers insights to transcend such barriers and fully embrace life.

Every individual has the innate potential to move past these fears and find true harmony. By understanding our fears, we can start to take active steps towards mitigating their impact. It’s a transformative journey, but one that promises profound growth and understanding.

Overcoming Fear: The Primal Barrier

While fear has its place in certain situations, it often limits our broader experiences. Our most meaningful achievements and profound life moments often exist just beyond our fears. To genuinely embrace life’s richness, we must push past these boundaries. By facing and mastering our fears, we invite personal development, self-discovery, and transformative experiences. Overcoming fear is about recognizing the fear itself and addressing our response to it.

Understanding the origin of our fears can provide clarity, helping to demystify them. Once these fears are acknowledged, they lose much of their power, allowing us to face them head-on. Embracing this understanding is the first step towards a liberated future

The Essence of Reconnective Healing

Reconnective Healing® offers a unique approach to overcoming and releasing fear. Rather than a technique, it allows for instant interaction with Energy, Light, and Information, the powerful bandwidth of healing frequencies in the universe. By engaging with these frequencies, individuals often find themselves naturally letting go of many unfounded fears.

The Reconnective Healing frequencies bring about a deeper connection to our true essence, aligning us more naturally with our surroundings. This alignment doesn’t channel positive energy but works in harmony with what’s inherently present. As we immerse ourselves in this healing process, we begin to see the world with a renewed perspective, filled with hope and potential.

Finding Balance and Harmony

Reconnective Healing® is about realignment and balance. When we resonate with the Reconnective Healing frequencies, a harmony emerges. This natural alignment fosters peace, clarity, and a renewed confidence, lessening the power of fears that once seemed insurmountable. Reconnective Healing acts as a catalyst, propelling one towards greater personal growth and a deeper understanding of self.

Balance is not just about physical well-being but also mental and emotional stability. The holistic approach of Reconnective Healing helps us achieve this by connecting us to a comprehensive bandwidth of frequencies Energy, Light & Information®, the universe’s energy. As we find this balance, the weight of our fears becomes lighter, allowing us to move forward with confidence.

 A winding path or trail through a dense forest or mountain terrain, emphasizing the journey aspect. Soft sunlight filters through the trees or around the mountains, indicating hope and discovery.

Embrace the Journey

Overcoming fear is a continuous journey, not a destination. As you delve into the essence of Reconnective Healing, understand that every insight and revelation is a discovery of a fearless version of yourself. Celebrate each moment of growth and remember that each challenge is an opportunity for strength and transformation.

This growth is not just about overcoming challenges but embracing the lessons they bring. As we learn and evolve, we find that many of our limitations are self-imposed. With the guidance of Reconnective Healing, we can break these barriers, unlocking our true potential.

A person standing at a high viewpoint, overlooking a vast horizon or landscape, arms outstretched in triumph and acceptance of the future.

Your Path to a Fearless Future

Fear may have been our early guardian, but now is the time to venture beyond its confines. Moving Beyond Fear with Reconnective Healing® illuminates the path, inviting the universe to accompany you on a journey to a brighter, more courageous future.

This future is not just free from fear, but filled with possibilities and new horizons. Each day becomes an opportunity to connect, heal, and grow. As we embark on this journey, we realize that the universe is on our side, guiding and supporting us every step of the way.

Your journey starts at the serene Poco Diablo Resort in Sedona, Arizona this November 11-14. Enroll now for The O.N.E. Experience (RH Levels I and II) or RCPP (RH Level III) and let Reconnective Academy International be your guide.

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]]> 0 Wed, 18 Oct 2023 16:46:10 +0000 Train in the Holistic Wellness Field with Reconnective Academy International Why Choose Reconnective Academy International? In the vast realm of holistic wellness and healing, finding the right institution to guide your journey is paramount. Enter the Reconnective Academy International, a beacon of professional training in Reconnective Healing®. Founded by Guglielmo Poli, every year hundreds of […]

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Train in the Holistic Wellness Field with Reconnective Academy International

Why Choose Reconnective Academy International?

In the vast realm of holistic wellness and healing, finding the right institution to guide your journey is paramount. Enter the Reconnective Academy International, a beacon of professional training in Reconnective Healing®.

Guglielmo Poli , founder of Reconnective Academy International and a Reconnective Healing® lead instructor.
Guglielmo Poli , founder of Reconnective Academy International and a Reconnective Healing® lead instructor.

Founded by Guglielmo Poli, every year hundreds of practitioners find their calling here, guided by a team of experts dedicated to ensuring each individual realizes their potential. It’s not just about training; it’s about discovery and rediscovery. It’s about tapping into an infinite reservoir of possibilities, and with the right guidance, channeling it to achieve your goals.

The academy’s courses range from beginner to advanced levels, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re looking to delve into the The O.N.E. Experience (RH Levels I and II) or advance with the RCPP (RH Level III), the academy provides a comprehensive curriculum tailored to your needs. Moreover, with globally recognized instructors like Guglielmo Poli, personally trained and licensed by Dr. Eric Pearl, you’re in the best hands.

Reconnective Healing® isn't just a healing approach; it's a lifestyle. It inspires us to live life appreciating the now, and to allow ourselves to receive healing.
Reconnective Healing® isn’t just a healing approach; it’s a lifestyle. It inspires us to live life appreciating the now, and to allow ourselves to receive healing.

Reconnective Healing® isn’t just a healing approach; it’s a lifestyle. Whether you’re seeking personal growth or envisioning a profession in this domain, becoming a Practitioner is a responsibility, a joy, and above all, a journey of transformation. And guiding you every step of the way is the academy’s seasoned team of teachers, arguably the best in the world.

So, if you’re ready to embark on this transformative journey, there’s no better place to start than the Reconnective Academy International.

Every year hundreds of practitioners find their calling and attend one of our Reconnective Healing® courses offered by Guglielmo Poli and Reconnective Academy International around the world.
Every year hundreds of practitioners find their calling and attend one of our Reconnective Healing® courses. These are offered by Guglielmo Poli and Reconnective Academy International around the world.

Find a training program near you. Check their extensive list of US and international programs at their website. Let the Reconnective Academy International chart your path.

Join us for our next training programs in the USA, presented by Reconnective Academy International and Guglielmo Poli, and with special guests Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer.
Dr. Eric Pearl, Jillian Fleer and Guglielmo Poli will be teaching our upcoming USA Reconnective Healing® training programs in Sedona, Arizona, November 11-14, 2023

The next trainings in the U.S.A. for these transformative courses will be held in Sedona, Arizona at the picturesque Poco Diablo Resort. To view all our in-person trainings visit our events page.

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]]> 0 Tue, 17 Oct 2023 16:22:24 +0000 The Journey of Personal Reconnection: Transform and Evolve Explore the power of The Personal Reconnection Life is a series of experiences, and at times, we may feel disconnected or lost. But what if you could realign yourself? Reconnect not just with your inner self, but with the universe? This is where The Personal Reconnection comes […]

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The Journey of Personal Reconnection: Transform and Evolve

Explore the power of The Personal Reconnection

Life is a series of experiences, and at times, we may feel disconnected or lost. But what if you could realign yourself? Reconnect not just with your inner self, but with the universe? This is where The Personal Reconnection comes into play.

A person will experience accelerated life transformation when they receive The Personal Reconnection.
A person will experience accelerated life transformation when they receive The Personal Reconnection.

The Personal Reconnection harnesses the frequencies of Reconnective Healing® in a unique and precise application. It’s not just about healing; it’s about forming a bridge—a connection between your body’s gridwork and the ley lines of our planet. And taking it a step further, connecting these grids to the universal grid across all dimensions of time and space. This connection paves the way for an evolution. An evolution of your master vibration, intelligence, and the lessons learned across lifetimes and dimensions. In essence, it’s about harnessing your potential and embarking on a journey of Life Progress: your accelerated life transformation.

In The Personal Reconnection the person's energy gridwork gets reconnected to the Earth's ley lines and universal grid.
In The Personal Reconnection the person’s energy gridwork gets reconnected to the Earth’s ley lines and universal grid.

Experiencing The Personal Reconnection

For most, the experience of their Personal Reconnection has been transformative. It’s more than just a shift in energy or perspective; it’s a shift in life’s very fabric. The overarching sentiment? “Life is… easier”. But remember, this isn’t a recurring treatment. It’s facilitated only once in a lifetime, in two distinct sessions. And it’s a choice. A choice to embrace an accelerated change in your life, to embrace your own progress.

Guglielmo Poli is director of Reconnective Academy International and The Reconnection, and an International Instructor of Reconnective Healing
Guglielmo Poli is director of Reconnective Academy International and The Reconnection, and an International Instructor of Reconnective Healing.

Under the tutelage of the Director and International Instructor of Reconnective Academy International, Guglielmo Poli, you too can learn to facilitate this profound reconnection by signing up for our Reconnection-Certified Practitioner Program (RCCP) Level III. It’s not just about facilitating Reconnective Healing for yourself and your loved ones, but it’s about reshaping lives, starting with your own.

If you’re seeking to bring a shift into your and other people’s lives, a profound transformation that transcends the mundane, then this is your calling. Don’t wait. Dive deep, reconnect, transform and evolve.

Join us for our next training programs in the USA, presented by Reconnective Academy International and Guglielmo Poli, and with special guests Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer.

Your journey starts at the serene Poco Diablo Resort in Sedona, Arizona . Enroll now for the The Reconnection-Certified Practitioner Program (RCCP) Level III (learn about the pre-requisites here) and let Reconnective Academy International be your guide.

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]]> 0 Mon, 16 Oct 2023 19:45:25 +0000 Dive into the realm of Reconnective Healing® and discover a path to lifelong transformation. Harness healing frequencies, understand its philosophy, and experience profound changes. Start your journey with Reconnective Academy International.

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Unleashing the Power of Reconnective Healing

Going beyond traditional healing methods

Reconnective Healing® has, over the past three decades, illuminated our understanding of the true essence of healing. The Reconnective Healing Experience™ (RHE), as we’ve come to know it, unveils a direct connection to the core of healing itself. This isn’t about temporary fixes or short-term solutions. This is about a lifelong transformation. A connection that isn’t confined to the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual realms; it’s truly infinite.

A man with DNA and energy strands, illustrating the Reconnective Healing® Experience and the lifelong transformation it brings about.
A conceptualization of DNA and energy strands, illustrating the Reconnective Healing® Experience and the lifelong transformation it brings about.

And what makes it stand out? The absence of any cumbersome tools, rituals, or sequences. Simply put, Reconnective Healing® is the direct path to healing.

Imagine stepping into a realm of healing that is driven by frequencies. These Frequencies, the full spectrum of Reconnective Healing®, not only promote instantaneous healing but ensure its longevity. This isn’t about symptomatic relief, nor does it require intricate rituals. Instead, all that’s needed is an awakening of your awareness, consciousness, and presence. Recent studies even indicate transformative effects on our DNA by these very frequencies, discovered by Dr. Eric Pearl.

Dr. Eric Pearl, discoverer of Reconnective Healing®, at an in-person program, RH Level II, in Sidney, Australia.
Dr. Eric Pearl, discoverer of Reconnective Healing®, at an in-person program, RH Level II, in Sidney, Australia.

Under the teachings by Guglielmo Poli, a key figure in the world of The Reconnection,  and insights provided by Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer, you too can harness the power of these healing frequencies. Dive deep into this transformative experience with courses like THE O.N.E. Experience, which combines The Portal (RH Online Level I) and The Catalyst (RH Level II). Here, not only will you learn to facilitate this profound healing for yourself and others, but you’ll also grasp its deep-seated philosophy, forever changing the trajectory of your life.

A student learns to feel, find and follow the Reconnective Healing® Frequencies in Prague, Czech Republic
A student learns to feel, find and follow the Reconnective Healing® Frequencies in Prague, Czech Republic

The journey doesn’t stop here. Further your exploration with the advanced RCPP (RH Level III), and dive deeper into the understanding of The Personal Reconnection®. Understand its potential as a life-changer for you and countless others, and become that beacon of light in your community.

The next trainings in the U.S.A. for these transformative courses will be held in Sedona, Arizona at the picturesque Poco Diablo Resort. To view all our in-person trainings visit our events page.

Dr. Eric Pearl, Jillian Fleer and Guglielmo Poli will be teaching our upcoming USA Reconnective Healing® training programs in Sedona, Arizona, November 11-14, 2023
Dr. Eric Pearl, Jillian Fleer and Guglielmo Poli will be teaching our upcoming USA Reconnective Healing® training programs in Sedona, Arizona, November 11-14, 2023

Are you ready to embark on this enlightening journey and unleash the power of Reconnective Healing®? To transcend traditional healing methods and embrace a more comprehensive, effective approach? Your evolution starts now.

Register for Sedona training programs today and discover the infinite possibilities with Reconnective Academy International.

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