AVR - Accurate Visual Representation

What exactly is Accurate Visual Representation?

This term designates a collage or a photomontage, where a photographed landscape and the one created with the help of 3D technologies are being compared. Although this technology isn’t new, the AR development and its use have moved to a new level owing to the modern technology. This allowed making picture so detailed and close to real life that it is really hard to tell which part is a photo and which is the part created with CG.

Names for Photorealistic montage:
  • Accurate Visual Representations (AVR)
  • Visual Impact Assessments
  • Verified View Montages
  • Verified Images
  • Visually Verified Images
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How does AVR work?

An image generated by 3D technologies is inserted into a photograph, taking into account the height, location of the neighbouring houses and with corresponding proportions, GPS coordinates and other parameters. This ensures that the size and positioning of the computer generated house (CGI) accurately reflects how it will look in real life.

Besides, such features as the time of day, weather conditions, angle of the sun, surrounding trees and other infrastructure are also taken into consideration. That is why the image fully corresponds to what the project will look like in the future.

Where AVR technology could be used?

Owing to its accuracy and realism, AVR is indispensable in architecture, urban planning, engineering, real estate, to name a few. Be it a large project, where a whole district is being developed, or a newly-built skyscraper near existing buildings in the cityscape, or a countryside cottage house with a garden and a forest nearby – photorealistic montage allows presenting a project at its best.

Accurate Visual Representation

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AVR Level 0

Location and size of proposal

34ca6d899f8fe39959b762de7dfddf22 AVR Boxworks 2 720 540 C 90

AVR Level 1

Location, size and degree of visibility of proposal

77ba11fdd8268c5559ba479554a9c59a AVR Boxworks 3 720 540 C 90

AVR Level 2

As level 1 + description of architectural form

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AVR Level 3

As level 2 + use of materials

The advantages of AVR include:

  • 100% match of the surroundings

Thanks to the fact that a part of the image is a photo of a real location, you can be confident that every tree, every electric pole is exactly at the place where they are in real life.

  • Realism

The ‘3D part’ of the collage is almost indistinguishable from the photographed part. This montage looks much better than ‘photo + image’ kind of montage.

  • Maximum accuracy

Taking into account GPS location, absence of the neighbouring buildings and other markers, an in-built object has all the relevant parameters and, on AVR, it looks exactly the same as in real life.

  • Cheap price

With the possibility of taking photos of the surroundings, you don’t need to generate an environment in 3D. That is why the cost is lower in comparison to a regular render.

Visengine Digital Solutions team is ready to create high-quality AVR for the most beneficial presentation of your real estate property for your potential clients.

AVR Gallery

9faa97c986dfa9c0a7ba54f5ad7881e4 AITCH Chobham Bird View1 4 800 450 C 90 768x432 AFTER
AITCH Chobham Bird View1 2 768x432 BEFORE
62944002ec99adf91e5b4fb0c75feafa AITCH Chobham Bird View2 4 800 450 C 90 768x432 AFTER
AITCH Chobham Bird View2 2 768x432 BEFORE

AVR Development Process

Agreeing on the number of AVR images and camera angles

High-resolution photographing on the site for each of the camera angle

Defining the exact coordinates of the object and reference points

3D modeling of the object based on drawings

Combining photo with 3D image

Final visual development. Post-production

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